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Informing and Alerting

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The New York State Consumer Protection Board (CPB) informs and engages constituency groups of all backgrounds to be aware of their rights and current issues in the marketplace. Numerous outreach delivery mechanisms are leveraged by the Agency to support this core mission.

In consideration of this fundamental function, the CPB evaluates advancements in technology on an ongoing basis to identify new tools to inform and enlighten the public in a creative, dynamic and cost-effective manner without compromising the principles of information privacy. Governor Paterson has encouraged State Agencies to work collaboratively to use creative technologies as part of their outreach efforts. For example, on June 5, 2009, the Chief Information Officer and the New York State Office for Technology announced a new initiative titled "Empire 2.0." This initiative is modeled after President Obama's strategy on open government outlined in his "Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government."

Last Modified: November 15, 2010