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Image of the banner from CPB's Consumer Action Day event

The CPB continues to cultivate strategic relationships with dozens of public and private entities to impart key information and to solicit input from constituents regarding consumer issues. Several partnership models exist, each designed to be a cost effective way to raise awareness and integrate relevant consumer educational materials into the organizations' everyday operations.

Public Partners

The CPB worked with several State Agencies to enhance information and service delivery. Partnering with the NYS Department of Labor (DOL), for example, the CPB was able to offer its materials and services through the DOL One-Stop employment centers. The CPB's financial life skills are also available through the DOL CareerZone and JobZone websites to inspire youth and adults in search of employment and careers. Directors of DOL One-Stop centers were informed about information and services the CPB offers New Yorkers through various trainings.

Many unemployed or underemployed New Yorkers collect or are looking to apply for work supports offered by the State, which include food stamps and WIC. To reach this population with educational materials and services, the CPB partnered with the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) to make available CPB's financial life skills information on the myBenefits website. In addition, a letter sent to OTDA clients who are ending their affiliation with work supports includes information regarding CPB's services and resources. More than 5,000 clients receive this letter every month.

Joining with the New York State Division of Veterans' Affairs, the CPB provided new information and resources for U.S. military personnel, veterans and their families to help protect them from the consequences of identity theft. This effort underscored a special "active duty" credit report alert for deployed service members.

Other State Agencies with which the CPB collaborated this past year include the Office of Children and Family Services (child safety information), the Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives(financial literacy), the State Office for the Aging (senior scams), the Division of Criminal Justice Services (identity theft), Department of Agriculture and Markets (food access), Department of Health (e-Health privacy and identity theft) and the State Emergency Management Office (NY Alert and flood response).

Private Partners

In addition to public agencies, the CPB is proud of its collaborations with private and not-for-profit partners to help empower New York consumers. Working with the Batavia School for the Blind, for example, the CPB created special versions of its award-winning "Banking on Our Children" videos in a "described" format for the visually impaired. Our partnership with Centro Civico of Amsterdam brings important baby safety information to an underserved Spanish-speaking population in upstate New York. This collaboration also facilitated the hosting of a free "Shred the Word!" event in the region.

During this past year, the CPB continued to assist staff and clients of Career Gear, a job-readiness and re-entry program, by conducting train-the-trainer workshops and providing resources on financial life skills. The Agency also joined forces with the Ecuadorian International Cultural Center, Institute for the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Elderly, National Council of Jewish Women Inc. and the Citizens Committee for NYC to promote the Agency's resources in English and Spanish to underserved populations.

The CPB worked collaboratively with numerous other community-based groups, unions, professional associations and educational institutions to advance information, including 1199 SEIU, AARP, APACS -- Association for Program Administrators of CSTEP and STEP, Inc, Catholic Charities, Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Colombian Civic Center, Communications Workers Association Local 1180, Community Action Angels, Community Action Association, Cornell Cooperative Extension, District Council 37, Family Development Association of NY, Catholic Conference, NYS Council of School Superintendents, Board of Jewish Education, Boys and Girls Club of America, NYS Retail Council, NYS Dairy Foods Association, Gateway to Entrepreneurial Tomorrows of the Hudson Valley, Kiwanis of NYS, Korean American Senior Citizens Society of Greater NY, the National Federation of the Blind, NeighborWorks, Inc., NY Harbor Healthcare System, the New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Sanctuary for Families, New York State Jewelers Vigilance Committee, New York State Agri-Business Community Development, the NYS Builders Association, the NYS Association of Counties, Safe Kids NY, YMCA of New York, Kids in Danger, NYS Sheriff's Association, and others.

Consumer Action Day

The CPB's Consumer Action Day serves as an example of a successful collaboration with governmental and private organizations to inform and alert the public about key issues. In the spirit of helping New Yorkers survive the economic downturn, the CPB held its 2010 Consumer Action Day on March 4, 2010. More than 30 State, federal and nonprofit agencies joined with the CPB in providing resources and services regarding financial literacy, debt and credit card management, foreclosure prevention, identity theft mitigation, personal privacy, government benefits, Home Energy Assistance Program, unclaimed funds, and more. In addition to information booths and electronic resources, consumers were able to access direct services from some of the providers.

Last Modified: September 14, 2010