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Assisting and Representing Consumers in the Marketplace

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Consumers in large numbers contact the Consumer Protection Board (CPB) seeking resolution of their marketplace problems, guidance and important information. With the call volume remaining high this year, the CPB has assured that the quality of its services has not diminished notwithstanding limited fiscal resources. From hard-working New Yorkers disputing wrongful debt assessments to young professionals contesting credit card charges, from seniors experiencing utility-related problems, to parents seeking answers about defective cribs and products, the Agency comes to the rescue of thousands, securing refunds, credits and services to remediate the wrong they suffered. This direct assistance has a concrete and financial impact on the lives of numerous consumers.

The CPB's direct assistance and mediation services complement the other core intervention and advocacy functions of the Agency. Frequently, issues that arise from consumer complaints inform on policy development, Do Not Call enforcement and in educational outreach. Additionally, utility-related complaints tend to inspire the Agency's work in securing millions in cost savings for customers in rate cases before the New York State Public Service Commission, promoting consumer-oriented positions at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and in advocating for consumers at the New York Independent System Operator. Further, the CPB represents the interests and voices the concerns of consumers when serving on numerous policy-oriented advisory boards and working groups.

Last Modified: November 15, 2010