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Advisory Boards
Image shows the logos for the Governor's Council on Food Policy, which is text based, and two outstretched children's hands, which is the logo for the Governor's Children's Cabinet

The CPB is designated to serve on numerous advisory boards and task forces, where the Agency collaborates with public and private representatives to advance consumer protections and awareness in various sectors of the marketplace and in diverse communities. Additionally, participation on these advisory boards and task forces inspires programming at the CPB, which touches the lives of many New Yorkers. These include:

Pursuant to statute, the CPB also chairs the New York State Advisory Council on Interactive Media and Youth Violence.

While there has been significant activity within all of these entities, the CPB highlights its involvement on the following groups:


The CPB continues to be an active participant on Governor Paterson's Halt Abusive Lending Transactions (HALT) task force, a coalition of State agencies that regulate or monitor mortgage activities on the federal and State level and interact with consumers to provide foreclosure assistance. Through educational outreach, scam alerts and legislative advocacy, the CPB has made an impact in this working group. More information about the CPB's work on the HALT taskforce may be found in the Educating and Advocating section of the Annual Report.

New York State Council on Food Policy

As a member of the New York State Council on Food Policy (Council), which was convened by Executive Order of the Governor, the CPB assists in establishing new food policies for the State to help assure the availability of safe, fresh, nutritious, and affordable food for all New Yorkers, especially low-income individuals, senior citizens, and children. The Council makes recommendations to the Governor on State regulations, legislation, and budget proposals, with the intent of improving existing food production and delivery systems; enhancing the availability of safe, fresh, nutritious, and affordable food; and, expanding the sale of locally grown products. The CPB works on a subgroup within the Council aimed at increasing the connection between local food products and consumers. The Agency raises awareness about cost-effective, healthy food shopping and safety issues in educational resources and through outreach events. The CPB's food label brochure has been widely distributed in various outlets, including at supermarkets, educational institutions, community-based organizations, food banks and more. The CPB also played a significant role in developing Governor Paterson's supermarket revolving loan assistance program, which was recently launched.

Tax Preparers Task Force

In its capacity as a member of the Tax Preparer Task Force of the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance (DTF), the CPB participated in the subcommittee meetings focusing on rapid anticipation loans (RAL) and rapid anticipation checks (RAC). In addition, the CPB submitted comments in August 2009 to the Internal Revenue Service regarding standards of conduct for the tax return preparer community and increased taxpayer compliance.

The CPB translated the DTF Consumers Bill of Rights Regarding Tax Preparers publication into Spanish for DTF to help engage communities in the State. The CPB also worked with DTF and other sister agencies to inform New Yorkers about Earned Income Tax Credits, free tax preparation sites across the State for the upcoming tax filing period, and important consumer information and rights when engaging tax preparation professionals. This information was featured in the CPB's Winter/Spring 2010 electronic newsletter and at outreach programs. 

Last Modified: November 23, 2010