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For Immediate Release:  02/22/2011

Tax Department And Consumer Protection Board Urge Taxpayers To Consider Alternatives To Costly Refund Anticipation Loans

It's tax time, and many New Yorkers will try to collect their refunds as quickly as possible. Some will consider a refund anticipation loan (RAL) or refund anticipation check (RAC) to speed up the process. However, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York State Consumer Protection Board are urging taxpayers to consider lower-cost or free alternatives to receiving federal tax refunds.

What is a RAL?

A RAL is not a quick, fast or instant refund. Instead, it is a high-interest bank loan secured by the taxpayer's anticipated federal refund. While the promise of quick cash is tempting, RALs are expensive, as some lenders charge substantial fees and very high interest rates that reduce the amount of a refund.

According to a recent study of these products done by the U.S. Department of the Treasury for the 2008 tax year, approximately 4% of New York taxpayers received RALs and 8% received RACs. This is lower than the national average.

Fortunately, there are fast and inexpensive ways to get both federal and state tax refunds:

What is a RAC?

RACs are marketed to taxpayers who don't have bank accounts and/or who do not have the ability to pay tax preparation fees up front. A temporary bank account is established by a tax preparer on behalf of the taxpayer so that a tax refund check can be direct-deposited. After the refund check is deposited into the temporary account and the preparation fees are deducted by the preparer, the institution then issues a check to the taxpayer and the account is closed.

While a RAC is generally cheaper than a RAL, taxpayers would be wiser to open a bank account of their own and arrange to have tax refunds direct-deposited.

Consumer Bill of Rights Regarding Tax Preparers

New York's Consumer Bill of Rights Regarding Tax Preparers prohibits tax preparers from advertising RALs as refunds. For example, advertising a RAL as an instant refund is prohibited. Additionally, any advertisement by a tax preparer that mentions RALs must conspicuously state that a RAL is, in fact, a loan and that a fee or interest will be charged by the lending institution. The lending institution must be identified in the advertisement.

In addition, before a taxpayer enters into a RAL, the tax preparer facilitating the loan must provide a disclosure statement to the taxpayer, in writing and in at least 14-point type, setting forth key information that explains:

Before a taxpayer enters into a RAC agreement, the tax preparer must provide a written disclosure statement that explains:

For more information about filing your taxes, visit the Tax Department's website at www.tax.ny.gov or call 518-457-5181 . For more information about scams, identity theft and other consumer issues, visit the Consumer Protection Board's website at www.nysconsumer.gov or call 1-800-697-1220.

The New York Department of State's Division of Consumer Protection serves as the state's top watchdog and think tank on a wide range of consumer related issues. Among the services it provides, the Division investigates and resolves consumer complaints, educates the public about product recalls, and represents consumers before public utilities and other state and federal agencies.

To file a consumer complaint with the New York State Department of State's Division of Consumer Protection, call our toll-free hotline at 800-697-1220 or visit Division's website at www.nysconsumer.gov.  In addition to the online complaint form, the website is home to important consumer safety information.

Last Modified: March 28, 2011