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The New York State Council on Food Policy website
The New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection is an active member of the New York State Council on Food Policy. Learn about the Council's work, programs and recommendations.

myBenefits website
myBenefits is a quick and easy way for people in New York State to find answers to questions about applying for Food Stamps, School Breakfast and Lunch Meals, WIC - women, infants, children programs and Child and Dependant Care Tax Credits.

Eat Smart New York
The Eat Smart New York program hosts free nutrition education classes at area cooperative extensions, individual homes and on-site agencies such as senior centers and Head Start locations.

My Pyramid
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's My Pyramid website offers personalized eating plans and interactive tools to help consumers plan and assess their food choices.

Last Modified: April 28, 2011