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Safety -- Inside the Home
Household Safety

It is important to stay alert and aware of your home's safety risks and to follow the New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection tips.

Preventing Lead Poisoning in Refugee and Immigrant Communities
Refugee and immigrant children have a higher than average incidence of lead poisoning. In order to address this, the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, Bureau of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance developed an outreach and education project to raise community and family awareness about lead poisoning, how it is contracted, how it can be prevented, and what to do when a child has an elevated blood level.

Home Safety Checklist
Each year millions of people suffer injuries in their home. Most of these injuries are avoidable if you practice prevention and take simple steps to correct hazards. Use this checklist frequently to spot some potential safety problems in your home and follow these recommendations to help keep you and your family safe.

Prevent Window Falls
Every year, many children fall out of windows. Some of the children die, and others are badly hurt. That's why the Division is partnering with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on a public safety campaign to raise awareness about this risk. The campaign promotes the use and proper installation of window guards and stops, urges parents and caregivers to keep furniture away from windows to discourage climbing, and offers the important reminder that screens are good for keeping bugs out, but not for keeping kids in.

Carbon Monoxide Safety
Changes in the New York State Building code in 2010 make carbon monoxide detectors mandatory on every floor of most homes in the State. Learn about the law and get guidance on when to replace the batteries in your detector and when to replace the detector itself.

Last Modified: June 22, 2011