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Exercise Your Options to Protect Your Privacy: Are Your Records Accurate? (April 2010)

Did you know that your personal information is being collected and publicly sold by information brokers to marketers, financial institutions, insurers, potential employers and landlords and others? Ever wonder what information these brokers have on you or from what sources they got the information? What about your credit report? Ever checked it? If you do not know what is being reported about you in these records, you cannot know whether the information is accurate. Inaccurate information can create problems for you in obtaining credit or health insurance, opening a bank account, or getting a job or a place to live. Why is the information inaccurate? The reason could be something simple and easy to fix like a clerical error or it could be something far more sinister and harder to fix like the theft of your personal identity.

The New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection offers below a list of 7 options that you should consider exercising to check the accuracy of your personal details in the records held by information brokers. If the records are not accurate, there are steps you can take to get them corrected. For each option, information on how to correct inaccuracies is provided. Your review of these records may also suggest a larger problem like identity theft if, for example, you find accounts and other activities under your name that you did not authorize. Should you discover possible identity theft, the Division has a full range of resources to help you in avoiding, detecting and handling identity theft page at  or by calling the Division's Consumer Assistance Unit at 1-800-697-1220.

Now it is your turn to take the first step.


Last Modified: May 02, 2011