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The CPB has a broad and bold mission as the lead State Agency focused on consumer issues. The Agency achieves its core mission of assisting, representing, educating, informing and protecting the consumers of New York State in a cost-effective fashion by engaging in strategic and creative planning, leveraging technology and digital media and forging collaborative partnerships that invite cooperation, productivity and results.

The current economic climate has exacerbated the financial challenges we are all facing and the CPB's role has become even more important. In FY 2009-10, the Agency was on the front line protecting consumers from the latest threats to their wallets, homes and safety and providing taxpaying consumers millions in direct cost savings though active mediation and intervention services.

The CPB's direct assistance and mediation services complement the other core functions of the Agency. Frequently, issues that arise from consumer complaints inform on policy development, Do Not Call enforcement, marketplace safety initiatives, utility intervention and advocacy at the Public Service Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and at the New York Independent System Operator. The CPB maintains strong working relationships with industry and professional associations and community-based organizations that assist the Agency in crafting comprehensive and effective policy, legislation and innovative programming in such subject areas as economic security, personal and home finances, information privacy, identity theft prevention and mitigation, and family and household safety.

Consumers of all ages and walks of life have benefited from the initiatives under the roof of the CPB. These efforts protect consumers as well as the integrity of the marketplace. The CPB will continue to advocate for and empower consumers and realize savings for New Yorkers as the Agency "where the rubber meets the road."

Last Modified: September 24, 2010