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Utility Intervention -- Energy Accessibility and Efficiency
image shows energy meters found in homes

Low-Income Forum for Energy (LIFE)

The CPB continued its active representation and position of leadership within the Low Income Forum for Energy. While the increasing cost of energy affects every New Yorker, it has a disproportionate effect on low-income New Yorkers. Given the conditions of the economy, low-income New Yorkers have had to allocate an increasingly greater portion of their incomes to home energy costs, impacting their ability to afford other necessities. LIFE is dedicated to furthering the dialogue and understanding of issues that impact on the ability of low-income New Yorkers to have access to safe, reliable and affordable energy. The CPB's ongoing participation in LIFE helps us keep abreast of current topics and issues of relevance to the New York State low-income population and enables the Agency to better serve those who are most in need of a helping hand.

Target Accessibility Fund (TAF) Board

All telecommunications companies in New York State are required to participate in TAF. On a monthly basis, New York telecom companies report their intrastate regulated revenues less any inter-company payments that they make. They may also report any unfunded Lifeline costs and certain E-911 costs. TAF meetings are held once a quarter. The CPB's continued presence at TAF provides access to ongoing and dynamic issues which shape the discussion within the telecom industry and helps facilitate our input about consumer concerns.

Utility Customer Satisfaction Measures

In FY 2009-2010, the CPB continued to be vigilant in advocating for improved levels of electric and gas customer service quality levels in New York State by filing testimony related to incenting utility companies to improve performance in areas directly related to customer service.

Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard

The CPB remanied actively involved in the development of the New York State Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard, promoting the reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions, the creation of independent and more affordable energy sources and the promotion of a new green job sector in New York State.

Uniform Business Practices

In FY 2009-2010, the CPB actively participated in several working groups devoted to the refinement of the Uniform Business Practice (UBP standards) which govern the relationship between energy service companies (ESCOs) and the utilities on whose system they serve and their customers. Specifically, we filed comments with the PSC stressing the importance of maintaining appropriate privacy standards to protect individuals from having personal information compromised as a result of ESCOs receiving customer lists from the incumbent utilities as they market their services.

Last Modified: November 10, 2010