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Utility Intervention -- Consumer Assistance
image shows energy meters found in homes

In addition to intervening in rate and administrative proceedings, utility intervention by the CPB means assisting consumers in resolving utility service problems. The following anecdotes illustrate our commitment to aiding consumers in need:

An elderly couple lost electricity service after a major winter storm struck the New York City metropolitan area. The CPB was contacted by the couple's daughter, who indicated that her parent's service had yet to be restored, despite the utility's insistence that the service had resumed. The daughter also indicated that her father was currently awaiting a discharge from a local hospital, but could not leave until electric service had been restored. The CPB convinced the Company to make a service call to the house to investigate the situation. Upon arrival at the home, it was confirmed that their service had not been activated. The crew discovered that the outage was attributable to factors other than the storm. The crew remained on the scene until repairs were made and service was restored. The patriarch of the family was released from the hospital and came home to a warm house.


A Consolidated Edison customer contacted the CPB indicating that they had received a notice from a collection agency for an outstanding gas bill. The consumer denied he was liable for the bill as the service address was incorrect. The CPB contacted a Company representative who investigated the claim and confirmed that the wrong consumer had been identified and incorrectly billed. The Collection agency was contacted by Con Edison and the collection action ceased.


A disabled Niagara Mohawk Gas customer contacted the CPB indicating that he had signed up to receive gas service from an energy service company (ESCO) and wished to withdraw from the agreement. The customer was unsure of his rights to rescind the contract. Working with the customer, an advisor at a community center the customer frequents, and ESCO representatives, the CPB was able to have the contract terminated in a timely manner. While the customer made the inquiry on the afternoon of the last day for the contract to be terminated without the assessment of a termination fee, he was having difficulty understanding the termination process. The CPB contacted the ESCO directly, guided the customer and his advisor through the termination process, thereby saving the customer a costly canceling fee he would have been assessed for cancelling the following day.

Last Modified: November 10, 2010