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National Grid -- Electric Operations
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National Grid -- Electric Operations
By letter dated May 30, 2008, the New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection explains its support for proposed changes to National Grid's Low-Income Affordability Payment Agreement Program, which the Division helped develop along with the Company and other parties. The proposed modifications would replace the annual arrears forgiveness credit with a monthly credit, eliminate the weatherization discount deferral to participants' arrears balances and limit initial participation in the Program to 24 months. These changes are expected to increase benefits to participants and improve the Program's overall success. 

Affidavit Regarding Vertical Market Power
In this affidavit, dated July 18, 2007, New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection experts explain why the Joint Proposal to resolve contested issues concerning the merger between National Grid and KeySpan reasonably addresses concerns by some parties that it would provide the merged company with the opportunity and incentive to increase electricity prices in New York City. 

Reply Statement in Support of Proposed Settlement
In this submission dated July 17, 2007, the New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection responds to concerns raised by certain parties regarding the Joint Proposal to resolve issues related to the merger between National Grid and KeySpan. We address each of these concerns and explain why they are not valid. 

Statement in Support of Proposed Settlement
By filing dated July 11, 2007, the New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection explains that it fully supports the Joint Proposal to resolve all issues related to the merger between National Grid and KeySpan. We explain that the Proposal addresses each of the concerns we raised in our February 20, 2007, testimony in this proceeding, provides substantial consumer benefits including more than $650 in avoided rate increases, satisfies the New York State Public Service Commission's Settlement Guidelines, and thus should be approved. 

Testimony Regarding Proposed Merger
In testimony dated February 20, 2007, the New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection explains that the proposed merger between National Grid and KeySpan Corporation should not be approved by the New York State Public Service Commission unless it is accompanied by several conditions to ensure that it benefits consumers. We explain the risks to consumers that would be created by the merger, and identify remedies to prevent ratepayers from paying additional costs and suffering from a degradation of service quality. We also explain why utility customers should obtain far more financial benefits from the merger than are proposed.

Last Modified: May 02, 2011